Website Editor

You are on the website of the Dolce Vita Hotel Residence: Lieu dit Chiusevia, Route de la mer - 20240 Ghisonaccia Phone: +33(0) Email: Editorial Manager: Janis Pellegrini

Web hosting

Accommodation within the Eolas Data Center, eco-efficient and eco-responsible. EOLAS, a division of Orange Business Services SA SIRET: 345 039 416 00713 29 rue Servan, 38 000 Grenoble Tel: 04 76 44 50 50

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Copyright Notice

This website and all of its content, including texts, static or animated images, databases, programs, etc., are protected by copyright. In accordance with article L. 122-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code, it is prohibited to reproduce, copy, modify, transmit, or distribute in any way, even partially, on any type of media, any element from this site (for example, but not exclusively: texts, logos, images, sound elements, videos, software, icons) without the explicit and prior authorization of La Dolce Vita. Non-compliance with this prohibition constitutes infringement and may incur civil and criminal liability for the infringer.

The trademarks mentioned on the site are registered by the companies or organizations that own them. Their reproduction or use of any kind is prohibited.

Furthermore, any authorized reproduction, representation, or use of a constituent element of the website must mention the following sentence: © DolceVita. All rights reserved. In accordance with article L.122-5, first paragraph, of the Intellectual Property Code, the reproduction of an element of the site for personal and private use is authorized.

Privacy Policy

The Dolce Vita hotel residence is the sole recipient of the personal information you provide. In accordance with Law No. 78-17 on Information Technology and Liberties of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access and rectify information about you by writing to the following address:, or by postal mail to the address: Dolce Vita: Lieu dit Chiusevia, Route de la mer • 20240 Ghisonaccia

Site Modification

The editorial team reserves the right to modify or correct the content of this site and this legal notice at any time and without prior notice.

User Communications

It is expressly forbidden to record or transmit illegal, threatening, insulting, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, or otherwise infringing communications to and from this site, regardless of the means used (email or video file...).

General Warning

La Dolce Vita strives to ensure to the best of its ability that the information disseminated on the site is accurate and up-to-date. However, despite the care taken, the site may contain inaccuracies, update defects, or errors. La Dolce Vita cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision, and completeness of the information made available on the site. Therefore, the site is made available without any guarantee, whether explicit or implicit, and its use is entirely the responsibility of the user. We thank users of the site for bringing to our attention any omissions, errors, or corrections via email to the following address:


It is the user's responsibility to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software from contamination by any viruses circulating on the Internet. La Dolce Vita cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of its website or other sites linked to it, notably due to non-access to its site, malfunctions related to the Internet network, the site's host, or the host of part of the site, or interruptions in service for maintenance or updating reasons.


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